August 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Aug 1 01:18:10 EDT 2005
Ending: Wed Aug 31 23:02:18 EDT 2005
Messages: 409
- Office tools.
Murthy T S N
- default speakup for Debian Sarge
Sean McMahon
- [Fw: New words]
Ann K. Parsons
- new words
Ann K. Parsons
- question on creating an mp3
Scott Howell
- new words
Sean McMahon
- question on creating an mp3
Thomas Stivers
- speechd-up errors revisited
Charles Hallenbeck
- SSH client for Windows?
Dawes, Stephen
- speechd-up errors revisited
Kirk Reiser
- Rescuing speakup downloading
Ghoston, Ameenah
- Rescuing speakup downloading
Kirk Reiser
- speechd-up errors revisited
Charles Hallenbeck
- speechd-up errors revisited
Kenny Hitt
- Firstboot?
Ghoston, Ameenah
- speechd-up errors revisited
Charles Hallenbeck
- Firstboot?
Jim Grimsby
- speechd-up errors revisited
Hynek Hanke,,,
- speechd-up errors revisited
Kenny Hitt
- speechd-up errors revisited
Sean McMahon
- question on creating an mp3
Janina Sajka
- found a tool to resize ntfs file systems
Gregory Nowak
- speechd-up errors revisited
Charles Hallenbeck
- Firstboot?
Janina Sajka
- speechd-up: Imagine my surprise!
Charles Hallenbeck
- help with slackware boot floppies
- help with slackware boot floppies
Adam Myrow
- speechd-up errors revisited
Garrett Klein
- speechd-up errors revisited
Kenny Hitt
- found a tool to resize ntfs file systems
Joseph C. Lininger
- speechd-up errors revisited
Charles Hallenbeck
- help with slackware boot floppies
Sergei V. Fleytin
- help with slackware boot floppies
Gregory Nowak
- Quoting
Gene Collins
- help with slackware boot floppies
- exim4 authentication trouble shooting
Charles Hallenbeck
- exim4 authentication trouble shooting
Kenny Hitt
- exim4 authentication trouble shooting
Charles Hallenbeck
- reply to author VS. reply to list on this list.
Steve Holmes
- Quoting
Steve Holmes
- Quoting
Sean McMahon
- Quoting
Charles Hallenbeck
- help with slackware boot floppies
Ralph W. Reid
- authentication in exim4, problem solved
Charles Hallenbeck
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Willem van der Walt
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Charles Hallenbeck
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Hynek Hanke,,,
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Hynek Hanke,,,
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Charles Hallenbeck
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Kirk Reiser
- speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher and languages
Hynek Hanke,,,
- A question about speak and festival.
Murthy T S N
- reply to author VS. reply to list on this list.
Janina Sajka
- Source tarball for SpeechD-Up available, please update documentation
Hynek Hanke,,,
- Quoting
Steve Holmes
- Quoting
Dawes, Stephen
- default speakup for Debian Sarge
Gene Collins
- Quoting
Gene Collins
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Steve Holmes
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Steve Holmes
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Kirk Reiser
- FC3 for x86_64?
Liz Hare
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Gregory Nowak
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Kirk Reiser
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Ameer Armaly
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Steve Holmes
- CVS Updates - was default speakup for Debian Sarge
Garrett Klein
- Root file system mounted read only
Doug Lawlor
- Root file system mounted read only
Kirk Reiser
- Root file system mounted read only
Levi Campbell
- Walmart Linux computers
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- Root file system mounted read only
Janina Sajka
- FC3 for x86_64?
Chris Norman
- Looking for an accessible mp3 player
David Wright
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- FC3 for x86_64?
Chris Norman
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- FC3 for x86_64?
Chris Norman
- FC3 for x86_64?
Liz Hare
- FC3 for x86_64?
Chris Norman
- Root file system mounted read only
Joseph C. Lininger
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- FC3 for x86_64?
Liz Hare
- Looking for an accessible mp3 player
Glenn at home
- Walmart Linux computers
David Csercsics
- Walmart Linux computers
Kenny Hitt
- FC3 for x86_64?
Janina Sajka
- debian download
Jude DaShiell
- FC3 for x86_64?
Liz Hare
- debian download
Charles Hallenbeck
- Walmart Linux computers
Lorenzo Taylor
- Walmart Linux computers
David Csercsics
- Walmart Linux computers
Jim Grimsby
- Walmart Linux computers
Joseph C. Lininger
- Walmart Linux computers
Gregory Nowak
- Walmart Linux computers
David Csercsics
- Walmart Linux computers
- Walmart Linux computers
Gregory Nowak
- Walmart Linux computers
David Csercsics
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
tony seth
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
Charles Hallenbeck
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
tony seth
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
Gregory Nowak
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
David Csercsics
- Walmart Linux computers
Lorenzo Taylor
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
Lorenzo Taylor
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
Lorenzo Taylor
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
Charles Hallenbeck
- Root file system mounted read only
Doug Lawlor
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
tony seth
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
tony seth
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
tony seth
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
tony seth
- recording cd's on a 2.6 kernel
Janina Sajka
- Walmart Linux computers
Joseph C. Lininger
- Walmart Linux computers
Scott Howell
- Walmart Linux computers
Luke Yelavich
- Source tarball for SpeechD-Up available, please update documentation
Janina Sajka
- smart boot manager and accessibility
Gregory Nowak
- smart boot manager and accessibility
- Walmart Linux computers
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
- A question.
Murthy T S N
- Walmart Linux computers
Dawes, Stephen
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
Janina Sajka
- A question.
Janina Sajka
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
Janina Sajka
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
Sean McMahon
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
Karen Lewellen
- Midnight Commander
Steve Holmes
- Midnight Commander
- Midnight Commander
Janina Sajka
- Need to install speakup on Suse 9.3
Kenny Hitt
- curious about nic status message
tony seth
- curious about nic status message
Gregory Nowak
- Midnight Commander
Steve Holmes
- Fedora Telnet install
Janina Sajka
- Fedora Telnet install (Part 1 Of 2)
Janina Sajka
- Fedora Telnet install (Part 2 Of 2)
Janina Sajka
- Fedora Telnet install (Part 1 Of 2)
hank smith
- Midnight Commander
- A question
Murthy T S N
- Midnight Commander
Doug Lawlor
- A question
Janina Sajka
- need suggestions for irc clients
Sean McMahon
- system locksup wile working in one to many remote sesions in 2 or more virtual consoles
Sean McMahon
- need suggestions for irc clients
Lorenzo Taylor
- system locksup wile working in one to many remote sesions in 2 or more virtual consoles
Charles Hallenbeck
- need suggestions for irc clients
- need suggestions for irc clients
Janina Sajka
- need suggestions for irc clients
Steve Holmes
- Midnight Commander
Steve Holmes
- need suggestions for irc clients
Sean McMahon
- need suggestions for irc clients
Arthur Pirika
- need suggestions for irc clients
Kirk Reiser
- test
Garrett Klein
- need suggestions for irc clients
Arthur Pirika
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
Arthur Pirika
- need suggestions for irc clients
Thomas Stivers
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
- need suggestions for irc clients
Kirk Reiser
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
Steve Holmes
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
tony seth
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
Gregory Nowak
- Mutt And Downloaded Archive Files
Janina Sajka
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
- First versions of the packages are ready!
Arthur Pirika
- Mutt And Downloaded Archive Files
Gregory Nowak
- Mutt And Downloaded Archive Files
Janina Sajka
- First versions of the packages are ready!
- First versions of the packages are ready!
- First versions of the packages are ready!
Arthur Pirika
- First versions of the packages are ready!
- Slackware packages for software synthesis
Ralph W. Reid
- O T: Phone consultation needed
Charles Hallenbeck
- reducing line-in volume for recording
Gregory Nowak
- reducing line-in volume for recording
Charles Hallenbeck
- USB server offers Linux to go
- USB server offers Linux to go
hank smith
- reducing line-in volume for recording
Gregory Nowak
- alsa configuration asound.conf??
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)heck
- linux
mike coulombe
- linux
Hart Larry
- reducing line-in volume for recording
Charles Hallenbeck
- linux
Sean McMahon
- First versions of the packages are ready!
Arthur Pirika
- [ma-linux] Library Of Congress Wants To Standardize Internet Explorer
Janina Sajka
- reducing line-in volume for recording
Janina Sajka
- First versions of the packages are ready!
- Slackware Packages for Software Synthesis now available.
Arthur Pirika
- testing subscription of second account so i may unsub RE: Debian speakup kernels
gabe VEGA
- speech-dispatcher-0.5 and gcc4 (was: Re: Source tarball for SpeechD-Up available)
Hynek Hanke
- Speakup Digest, Vol 23, Issue 28
Lawrence Baggett
- debian sarge speakup
Jude DaShiell
- Alsa question
Lorenzo Taylor
- Slackware softsynth packages, and /usr/bin permissions
Arthur Pirika
- Alsa question
Janina Sajka
- speech-dispatcher-0.5 and gcc4 (was: Re: Source tarball for SpeechD-Up available)
Janina Sajka
- Changing the volume of the sounds in bash
- Testing subscription
Vega, Gabriel
- Boot nuke
Vega, Gabriel
- speech-dispatcher-0.5 and gcc4 (was: Re: Source tarball for SpeechD-Up available)
Hynek Hanke
- sarge: getting als to work
Christopher Moore
- Alsa question
Hynek Hanke
- sarge: getting als to work
Kenny Hitt
- Alsa question
Sean McMahon
- sarge: getting als to work
Sean McMahon
- sarge: getting als to work
Kenny Hitt
- sarge: getting als to work
Kenny Hitt
- Alsa question
Thomas Stivers
- [ma-linux] Library Of Congress Wants To Standardize InternetExplorer
Sean McMahon
- Alsa question
Sean McMahon
- speech-dispatcher-0.5 and gcc4 (was: Re: Source tarball for SpeechD-Up available)
Janina Sajka
- Alsa question
Janina Sajka
- Alsa question
Janina Sajka
- Changing the volume of the sounds in bash
Janina Sajka
- Changing the volume of the sounds in bash
Janina Sajka
- Boot nuke
Janina Sajka
- [ma-linux] Library Of Congress Wants To Standardize InternetExplorer
Janina Sajka
- Boot nuke
Vega, Gabriel
- anothyer sarge question
Christopher Moore
- anothyer sarge question
Kenny Hitt
- Boot nuke
Sean McMahon
- anothyer sarge question
Sean McMahon
- Boot nuke
Janina Sajka
- Boot nuke
Janina Sajka
- Boot nuke
Vega, Gabriel
- anothyer sarge question
Charles Hallenbeck
- Alsa question
Gregory Nowak
- Any speakup compatible dvd software which plays dts dvds?
Sean McMahon
- Is there a pc suite for linux?
Sean McMahon
- Is there a pc suite for linux?
Igor Gueths
- Is there a pc suite for linux?
Adam Myrow
- A speakup question
Dan Murphy
- Can't boot fedora
Chris Norman
- Can't boot fedora
Janina Sajka
- Alsa question
Janina Sajka
- Boot nuke
Janina Sajka
- Boot nuke
Thomas Stivers
- Can't boot fedora
Chris Norman
- Alsa question
Gregory Nowak
- Is there a pc suite for linux?
Sean McMahon
- Boot nuke
Janina Sajka
- Can't boot fedora
Janina Sajka
- Is there a pc suite for linux?
Adam Myrow
- Boot nuke
Adam Myrow
- Can't boot fedora
Adrian Beech
- Can't boot fedora
Janina Sajka
- Questions on using serial console
Arthur Pirika
- Questions on using serial console
Gregory Nowak
- Can't boot fedora
Chris Norman
- question about rescues and installs for brltty braillified disks
Maurice A. Mines
- Can't boot fedora
Janina Sajka
- Can't boot fedora
Steve Dawes
- Can't boot fedora
Chris Norman
- patch errors on 2.6.8 kernel
Christopher Moore
- patch errors on 2.6.8 kernel
Kirk Reiser
- Can't boot fedora
Janina Sajka
- Can't boot fedora
Janina Sajka
- question about rescues and installs for brltty braillified disks
Scott Berry
- patching kernel 2.6.8 with speakup-2.0
Christopher Moore
- question about rescues and installs for brltty braillified disks
Sean McMahon
- What do you do when elinks encounters javascript errors?
Sean McMahon
- OT: Accessibile sound editors for linux?
Arthur Pirika
- patching kernel 2.6.8 with speakup-2.0
- OT: Accessibile sound editors for linux?
Igor Gueths
- patching kernel 2.6.8 with speakup-2.0
Charles Hallenbeck
- patching kernel 2.6.8 with speakup-2.0
John covici
- patching kernel 2.6.8 with speakup-2.0
Ryan Mann
- patching kernel 2.6.8 with speakup-2.0
John covici
- Speakup & 2.6.12 kernels
Lorenzo Taylor
- ignore test
Scott Berry
- Boot nuke
Lorenzo Taylor
- Speakup & 2.6.12 kernels
Garry Turkington
- Boot nuke
Lorenzo Taylor
- Speakup & 2.6.12 kernels
John covici
- Speakup & 2.6.12 kernels
Kenny Hitt
- Speakup & 2.6.12 kernels
Lorenzo Taylor
- Can't boot fedora
Chris Norman
- bounce score on speakup list
Christopher Moore
- Contax V0.1 available
Charles Hallenbeck
- a Mutt question
Dan Murphy
- a Mutt question
Janina Sajka
- Contax V0.1 available
Sean McMahon
- Contax V0.1 available
Charles Hallenbeck
- test
Scott Berry
- bounce score on speakup list
Janina Sajka
- a Mutt question
Dan Murphy
- a Mutt question
Janina Sajka
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Arthur Pirika
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Kirk Reiser
- Mutt question
Charles Hallenbeck
- Mutt question
Janina Sajka
- Mutt question
Thomas Stivers
- Mutt question
Charles Hallenbeck
- Mutt question
Thomas Stivers
- Linux from Scratch
- sarge accessibility iso
Jude DaShiell
- Linux from Scratch
Garry Turkington
- Linux from Scratch
Arthur Pirika
- Linux from Scratch
hank smith
- Linux from Scratch
Joseph C. Lininger
- printing network status to the console
tony seth
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Sean McMahon
- tips on using pdnsd on debian sarge
Christopher Moore
- suppressing X when booting debian sarge
Christopher Moore
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Arthur Pirika
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Steve Holmes
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
- suppressing X when booting debian sarge
Kenny Hitt
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Adam Myrow
- speechd-up
Lorenzo Taylor
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Lorenzo Taylor
- Linux from Scratch
Michael Whapples
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Sean McMahon
- speechd-up
Sean McMahon
- Note for Gentoo Users
Arthur Pirika
- Note for Gentoo Users
Sina Bahram
- Thanks for the new highlight tracking!
Adam Myrow
- Note for Gentoo Users
Joseph C. Lininger
- speechd-up
Hynek Hanke
- could someone send me speakup from CVS?
- keynotesa with speakup?
hank smith
- Installing Speakup on FC4
Liz Hare
- Installing Speakup on FC4
Dawes, Stephen
- ot: burning cds
Sean McMahon
- ot: burning cds
Doug Sutherland
- ot: burning cds
Kenny Hitt
- ot: burning cds
Luke Yelavich
- ot: burning cds
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Mike Keithley
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Ann K. Parsons
- ot: burning cds
Thomas Stivers
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Gene Collins
- Zinf questions
Gene Collins
- Zinf questions
Dan Murphy
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Mike Keithley
- Scripting Question:
Dawes, Stephen
- Scripting Question:
Chris Norman
- Scripting Question:
Dawes, Stephen
- Scripting Question:
Kirk Reiser
- Scripting Question:
Dawes, Stephen
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Mike Keithley
- Scripting Question:
Dawes, Stephen
- Scripting Question:
Laura Eaves
- Scripting Question:
Laura Eaves
- Scripting Question:
Dawes, Stephen
- Scripting Question:
Ameer Armaly
- Scripting Question:
lists.speakup at
- Scripting Question:
Sean McMahon
- and speakup fc3
Jude DaShiell
- Scripting Question:
Steve Dawes
- and speakup fc3
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Gregory Nowak
- and speakup fc3
John covici
- OT: Midi sequencers?
Arthur Pirika
- and speakup fc3
Dan Murphy
- Scripting Question:
Ralph W. Reid
- OT: Midi sequencers?
Gregory Nowak
- Hightlight Tracking Update
- speakup fc3 and
Jude DaShiell
- Scripting Question:
Garrett Klein
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Mike Keithley
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Gregory Nowak
- DECTalk for Linux
- DECTalk for Linux
Jim Grimsby
- DECTalk for Linux
- dectalk
Jim Grimsby
- an elinks question
Dan Murphy
- anybody using imcom with jabber?
Charles Hallenbeck
- Hightlight Tracking Update
Kirk Reiser
- debian - reading .gz files
Christopher Moore
- alsa module depmod errors
Christopher Moore
- debian - reading .gz files
Charles Hallenbeck
- debian - reading .gz files
Thomas Stivers
- debian - reading .gz files
Kenny Hitt
- ot: site developers?
Karen Lewellen
- speakup fc3 and verizon
Jude DaShiell
- speakup fc3 and verizon
Dan Murphy
- speakup fc3 and verizon
Jim Kutsch
- Viavoice
- Viavoice
Willem van der Walt
- Hightlight Tracking Update
- debian - reading .gz files
Sean McMahon
- speakup fc3 and verizon
Sean McMahon
- ot, dig, rndc, nslookup segfaulting on debian
Gregory Nowak
- problem is not with Linux but is with verizon dsl
Jude DaShiell
- ot, dig, rndc, nslookup segfaulting on debian
w1gm at
- ot, dig, rndc, nslookup segfaulting on debian
Gregory Nowak
- speakup fc3 and verizon dsl
Jude DaShiell
- Speakup and 2.6.13 kernel?
Arthur Pirika
- Speakup and 2.6.13 kernel?
John covici
- Speakup and 2.6.13 kernel?
Arthur Pirika
- Scripting Question:
Gene Collins
- Scripting Question:
Dawes, Stephen
- an elinks question
Steve Holmes
- an elinks question
Igor Gueths
- an elinks question
- mp3 files terminate too soon with realplayer
Mike Keithley
- an elinks question
Kenny Hitt
- dectalk express upgrade revisited?
Karen Lewellen
- ot, dig, rndc, nslookup segfaulting on debian
Gregory Nowak
- checking installed packages in debian
Gregory Nowak
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 23:02:18 EDT 2005
Archived on: Sat Dec 1 17:28:09 EST 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).