May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 06:21:00 EDT 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 21:33:09 EDT 2009
Messages: 170
- torrent client suggestions
Trevor Astrope
- How much will a speech synthesizer cost?
Tony Baechler
- samba
Tony Baechler
- samba
Tony Baechler
- torrent client suggestions
Tony Baechler
- torrent client suggestions
Tony Baechler
- torrent client suggestions
Tony Baechler
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
Tony Baechler
- speakup issues
Tony Baechler
- Another *possible* bug?
Tony Baechler
- Accent PC for sale
Lawrence Baggett
- speakupconf and trailing blank lines in files under parameters/
Chris Brannon
- accessing .docx documents
Chris Brannon
- description of my most recent patch
Chris Brannon
- CPU issues with Speakup
Chris Brannon
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
Chris Brannon
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
Chris Brannon
- [PATCH] Remove trailing newlines from files in /sys/module/speakup/parameters.
Christopher Brannon
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline when setting STRING parameters.
Christopher Brannon
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline, take two.
Christopher Brannon
- Speakup defaults
Terry D. Cudney
- espeakup.iso install failure
Jude DaShiell
- espeak U.S. mirror question
Jude DaShiell
- debian sid problem solved
Jude DaShiell
- torrent client suggestions
Dawes, Stephen
- Fedora 11:
Dawes, Stephen
- torrent client suggestions
Dawes, Stephen
- How much will a speech synthesizer cost?
Charlie Dorff
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Glenn Ervin
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Glenn Ervin
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Glenn Ervin
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Think I found a bug...
- Another *possible* bug?
- Speakup, Cepstral and Speech-dispatcher
Igor Gueths
- Speakup defaults
Chuck Hallenbeck
- Speakup defaults
Chuck Hallenbeck
- accessing .docx documents
Chuck Hallenbeck
- accessing .docx documents
Chuck Hallenbeck
- docx2txt scripts
Chuck Hallenbeck
- accessing .docx documents
Chuck Hallenbeck
- changing synths
Chuck Hallenbeck
- changing synths
Chuck Hallenbeck
- open vpn
Brent Harding
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- speakup direct option?
- speakup direct option?
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- samba
Juan Hernandez
- samba
Juan Hernandez
- espeakup.iso install failure
Kerry Hoath
- open vpn
Kerry Hoath
- open vpn
Kerry Hoath
- openvpn configuration
Kerry Hoath
- openvpn configuration
Kerry Hoath
- openvpn configuration
Kerry Hoath
- openvpn configuration
Kerry Hoath
- openvpn configuration
Kerry Hoath
- samba
Kerry Hoath
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Kerry Hoath
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Kerry Hoath
- Fw: Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Kerry Hoath
- Speakup and locales
Kerry Hoath
- CPU issues with Speakup
Kerry Hoath
- espeakup.iso install failure
Cheryl Homiak
- Finally got smart about my ltlk issue
Cheryl Homiak
- docx2txt scripts
Cheryl Homiak
- Mailing lists link
Cheryl Homiak
- SpeakUP and IRC...
James Homuth
- open vpn
James Homuth
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
James Homuth
- FW: [orca-list] Instalation question.
James Homuth
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
James Homuth
- [PATCH] Remove trailing newlines from files in /sys/module/speakup/parameters.
William Hubbs
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
William Hubbs
- speakup issues
William Hubbs
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline, take two.
William Hubbs
- Speakup and locales
William Hubbs
- Speakup and locales
William Hubbs
- CPU issues with Speakup
William Hubbs
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
William Hubbs
- espeakup 0.71 is out
William Hubbs
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
William Hubbs
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
William Hubbs
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
Alastair Irving
- vinux 1.4 walk through
Georgina Joyce
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Georgina Joyce
- Pine: Including a username and password for a SMTP or NNTP server
Mike Keithley
- Disabling Speakup's use of keypad?
Zachary Kline
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
Hart Larry
- torrent client suggestions
Hart Larry
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
Kitty Litter
- open vpn
Tyler Littlefield
- open vpn
Tyler Littlefield
- open vpn
Tyler Littlefield
- open vpn
Tyler Littlefield
- openvpn configuration
Tyler Littlefield
- openvpn configuration
Tyler Littlefield
- openvpn configuration
Tyler Littlefield
- openvpn configuration
Tyler Littlefield
- openvpn configuration
Tyler Littlefield
- uml question
Tyler Littlefield
- uml question
Tyler Littlefield
- retreaving pts device
Tyler Littlefield
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Tyler Littlefield
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Tyler Littlefield
- docx2txt scripts
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
Tyler Littlefield
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
Cory Martin
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Jerry Matheny
- changing synths
Christopher Moore
- changing synths
Christopher Moore
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
Christopher Moore
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
Adam Myrow
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
Adam Myrow
- espeakup.iso install failure
Gregory Nowak
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
Gregory Nowak
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
Gregory Nowak
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
Gregory Nowak
- torrent client suggestions
Gregory Nowak
- torrent client suggestions
Gregory Nowak
- uml question
Gregory Nowak
- torrent client suggestions
Gregory Nowak
- torrent client suggestions
Gregory Nowak
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Gregory Nowak
- changing synths
Gregory Nowak
- ot, use_tempaddr not working right
Gregory Nowak
- FW: [orca-list] Instalation question.
Gregory Nowak
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
Gregory Nowak
- speakup direct option?
Kirk Reiser
- speakup issues
Kirk Reiser
- CPU issues with Speakup
Kirk Reiser
- Think I found a bug...
Kirk Reiser
- Does speakup work on Ubuntu
Kirk Reiser
- CPU issues with Speakup
Kirk Reiser
- New git repository website active
Kirk Reiser
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
Janina Sajka
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
Janina Sajka
- Does speakup work on Ubuntu
David Sexton
- open vpn
Alex Snow
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
Alex Snow
- openvpn configuration
Alex Snow
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
al Sten-Clanton
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
al Sten-Clanton
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
al Sten-Clanton
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
Lorenzo Taylor
- espeakup.iso install failure
Samuel Thibault
- espeakup.iso install failure
Samuel Thibault
- speakup issues
Samuel Thibault
- CPU issues with Speakup
Samuel Thibault
- Fw: Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Willem van der Walt
- speakup direct option?
Willem van der Walt
- speakup direct option?
Willem van der Walt
- speakup direct option?
Willem van der Walt
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
Michael Whapples
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
Michael Whapples
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
Jason White
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
Jason White
- accessing .docx documents
Jason White
Last message date:
Sun May 31 21:33:09 EDT 2009
Archived on: Sat Dec 1 17:30:12 EST 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).