changing synths

Christopher Moore christopher.h.moore at
Sat May 30 20:48:58 EDT 2009

I was all set to run Chuck's talkwith script but it wasn't necessary.

I had speakup running with espeakup.
Next I loaded the dectlk module and specified a serial port lite this:
sudo modprobe speakup_dectlk ser=1
Speakup read out some dectalk commands and finished with dectalk 
expressed detected.

Next I unloaded espeakup like this:
sudo /etc/rc.d/espeakup stop

And speakup automatically switched to the dectalk with having to do 
anything else.  I also verified that the synth parameter contains 

I guess I have two questions for Chuck.  First, why two scripts?  Do 
they do different things?
And, second, now that speakup seems to be smart enough to switch to the 
hardware synth when the soft connector is killed, when are these scripts 

You may want to include a README file in the tarball to explain some of 
this stuff.

FYI, I'm running arch linux with sudo installed.  I expect we'd get 
similar behavior on a debian based system.

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