Pulse Audio

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Mon Mar 10 10:58:27 EDT 2014

Robert Spangler writes:
> I even tried Janina's suggestion of disabling Pulseaudio (using her
> steps) and that just resulted in Orca not speaking.

Oh, and one more thing ...

You have to edit /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

You need at least:

1.)	Set alsa as your environment. SD defaults to pulse. Change that.
the file shows you how.

2.)	Double check that you're correctly specifying the also device
you want to drive. On my old Lenovo laptop this currently reads:

AudioALSADevice "plughw:0,0"

3.)	Make sure the TTS you want is correctly specified. I made sure
espeak was uncommented:

DefaultModule espeak



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