If bash can, why not Speakup?
Janina Sajka
janina at rednote.net
Tue Nov 23 18:12:51 EST 2010
pj at pjb.com.au writes:
> Janina Sajka wrote:
> > to track whether I'm in insert or command mode, i.e. it would
> > sure help if Speakup could give me a differently pitched voice
> Misunderstanding this to be about vim itself :-( , I wrote:
> > Presumably by writing something to somewhere in
> > /sys/accessibility/speakup/ (or /proc/speakup ?)
> > ... It might be possible to do it with a vim script
> And it is possible :-) if you copy spokenmode.vim (after the .sig)
> into your ~/.vim/plugin/ dir (you might have to mkdir it first)
> then you should see the contents of /tmp/t change according to
> the editing mode.
Oh, this is very very cool! Thank you.
I'm still struggling to make it automatic, though.
Some concerns ...
* It's not autoloading. I haveI'm still struggling to make it
* automatic, though.
Some concerns ...
* Placing the script in
.vim/plugin/ isn't enough to get the functionality working. I have to:
:source .vim/plugin/spokenmode.vim
Of course, this can be dropped into ~.vimrc.
> It just remains to find something in /sys/accessibility/speakup/
> which switches between two suitable voices...
So, where you have "low" and "high" I can substitute a value and direct
it to /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/pitch . However, this file is
owned by root (and group root). So, is there a way to add sudo to the
writefile command in vim scripts?
Thank you, Peter. for this lovely gem. I can tell I'm going to use it
> Regards, Peter Billam
> http://www.pjb.com.au pj at pjb.com.au (03) 6278 9410
> "Was der Meister nicht kann, vermöcht es der Knabe, hätt er
> ihm immer gehorcht?" Siegfried to Mime, from Act 1 Scene 2
> --------------------------------------
> " spokenmode.vim: cause Speakup to use a different tone of voice
> " according to whether Vim is in insert mode or command mode
> " 1.0, 2010.10.18
> " inherits much from obviousmode.vim, by Brian Lewis and Sergey Vlasov
> " 1. Put spokenmode.vim in ~/.vim/plugins/
> if &cp || exists('g:loaded_spokenmode')
> finish
> endif
> let s:isInsertMode = 0
> function! s:InsertEnter()
> let s:isInsertMode = 1
> call writefile(['low'], "/tmp/t")
> endfunction
> function! s:InsertLeave()
> let s:isInsertMode = 0
> call writefile(['high'], "/tmp/t")
> endfunction
> au InsertEnter * call s:InsertEnter()
> au InsertLeave * call s:InsertLeave()
> let g:loaded_spokenmode = 1
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