Dectalk Express and HALD

Keith Wessel keith at
Tue Apr 20 12:56:39 EDT 2010

Hi, all,

I've seen a few threads about this on the net, but no good solutions, and I
thought I'd ask here.

Seems that when using the DecTalk Express and running the HAL daemon, HAL
mucks with the serial ports on its probe just enough to confuse things. This
results in very sluggish (five seconds or more) behavior from the
synthesizer after hald starts up. From what I've read in other posts, this
only effects speakup_dectlk, and no other synths.

I do like running hald for a variety of reasons and would rather not
completely stop the service altogether. For now, I wait for my system to
finish booting, then remove and reload the speakup_dectlk module. Ideally,
though, I'd tell HAL not to touch my serial ports at all. Haven't found how
to do that yet, though, without breaking something else.

Does anyone have any suggstions? Surely, someone out there must be using a
Dectalk Express with Speakup and running HAL. Any advice would be helpful.


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