Debian unstable or testing? (and an OT)

Gaijin gaijin at
Wed Jul 15 19:03:49 EDT 2009

	Hello all,

	Should I be running Debian unstable/squeeze, or testing in order 
to get the latest SpeakUP upgrades?  Also have another OT question for 
folks out there.  I recently bought an HP Scanjet 5300C scanner, having 
been told on the website that it was a "Good" choice, but after 
extensive messing with it and consulting around, I find it doesn't work 
as said.  What I'm really having a problem with is finding a *new* SANE 
compliant scanner, and not something used and no longer being 
manufactured.  Anyone know a good quality scanner, built to last, that's 
only recently been released on the market?  The sane website has been no 
help at all in that respect, and I can't afford to toss away what money 
I have.  TIA,


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