a quick question

Gregory Nowak greg at romuald.net.eu.org
Fri Jun 20 13:58:37 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

In that case, try increasing the loglevel for speech-dispatcher. Also,
assuming you're still using debian, you need to allow localhost to
access festival, it isn't allowed out of the box. Instructions on
doing this are in /usr/share/docs/festival/README.Debian. Also, if
your final intent is to move to espeak, getting festival working
first, and then moving to espeak makes no sense, and is just a waste
of your time/effort. If going to espeak is your final intent, skip
festival altogether, and go to espeak directly.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:52:05AM -0600, Tyler Littlefield wrote:
> Hello,
> I'll switch to espeak after I've gotten it working--flite/festival are 
> the supported ones right now in the config.
> The speech-dispatcher log is empty as are the festival and flite logs.
> Thanks,
> ~~TheCreator~~
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