Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks

Kirk Reiser kirk at braille.uwo.ca
Mon Mar 5 06:25:45 EST 2007

Doug Sutherland <doug at proficio.ca> writes:

> I can see from the driver code in speakup.c that when you
> specify speakup_ser=# that translates to a lookup that
> returns the hexadecimal port 0x3f8, 0x2f8, 0x3e8, 0x2e8.
> So I'm guessing the speakup drivers writes into memory
> on the ISA bus at that port address, is this right?

Yes, that is a simple array which just returns a port address where
each of the UARTs should live if they are installed.  We then talk
directly to the UART and handle all the registers ourselves.  I can't
make any comment about the rest of your post because I haven't looked
at any of the usb code yet serial or otherwhise.



Kirk Reiser				The Computer Braille Facility
e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca		University of Western Ontario
phone: (519) 661-3061

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