problems compiling speechd-up

Steve Holmes steve at
Fri Mar 2 11:17:06 EST 2007

What I do for switching synths on the fly is run a shell script I wrote.
Note this is in a Slackware environment.  I will attach it below.  I
then built a couple aliases to shorten up the commands for the two
synths I frequently use.  I Compile the ketnel with Speakup and my hard
synth, speakout statically and softsynth as a loadable module.  When I
boot, speakout comes up automatically and I then switch synths as needed
later on.
----- Begin aliases -----
alias sft='/etc/rc.d/rc.speakup restart sftsyn'
alias spk='/etc/rc.d/rc.speakup restart spkout'
----- End aliases -----

----- Begin rc.speakup -----
# Shel script to load and unload a modularized version of Speakup

case "$1" in
      if [ "$synth" = "sftsyn" ]; then
         nice -5 /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher
      echo "$synth" >/proc/speakup/synth_name
      if [ "$synth" = "sftsyn" ]; then
         sleep 1
	 modprobe speakup_sftsyn
	 nice -n 10 /usr/bin/speechd-up
      /usr/local/bin/speakupconf load
      synth=`cat /proc/speakup/synth_name`
      if [ "$synth" = "sftsyn" ]; then
	 killall -9 speechd-up
	 killall -9 speech-dispatcher
      echo "none" >/proc/speakup/synth_name
      sleep 1
      /sbin/modprobe -r "speakup_$synth"
      $0 stop
      sleep 1
      $0 start "$2"
      echo "usage $0 start|stop|restart" ;;
----- End rc.speakup -----

On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 09:49:19AM -0600, John Heim wrote:
> What you said didn't exactly work but this did:
> # apt-get install -y libglib2.0-dev
> So there are a couple of things that are left out of the instructions at
> 1. As noted you need libglib.
> 2. You need g++
> # apt-get install -y g++
> 3. If you're running debian  sid/testing, there are no libspeechd1   and 
> libspeechd1-dev packages.  You need libspeechd2 and libspeechd-dev.
> I have my linux box talking via the default software synth, festival, I 
> think. All I need to do now is figure out how to get it to speak via DECtalk 
> software and then I will be happy. Actually, I will have one more task after 
> that: I'll want to have an easy way to use the software synth if the 
> hardware synth is not connected to the serial port. I wonder if there is 
> some way to auto-detect that? If not, I can do it manually.  What I could do 
> is have it default to the software synth and if the hardware synth is 
> connected, after it boots and I log in, I can echo ltlk....
> The only problem with that is that if I have it default to the hardware 
> synth, it starts talking earlier in the boot process.

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