dropline-gnome accessibility

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Thu Jun 28 18:55:03 EDT 2007

I'll try to help out as much as possible and wish I could be more helpful 
by now than I can.  droplinegnome is the only slackware 3rd party gnome 
that's mostly keeping current with the real gnome versions. 
droplinegnome can be installed by downloading the droplinegnome-installer 
from http://www.droplinegnome.org and running it as root.  droplinegnome 
does have orca as part of its distribution and just using the installer 
will get you only the latest versions of all packages.  Unfortunately, 
droplinegnome does not include the speech-tools or festival packages or 
the necessary add-ons from festvox.org. I've been trying to build both on 
a kernel 2.4x system here without much luck.  I'll try again in my home 
directory since it has more space and maybe they'll build then. 
gnome-speech is also included in droplinegnome but since festival wasn't 
available on my machine when I installed droplinegnome it built in such a 
way that it excluded all speech servers like festival.  So first get 
speech-tools and festival built and working then install droplinegnome and 
if all works orca will talk on your end.

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