vscan script

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Fri Jul 21 05:02:27 EDT 2006

What follows is my clamscan script and it doesn't do mail scans since 
clamscan has a very bad feature with respect to mail files.  The first 
virus found, the whole mail file gets quarrantined not just the message or 
messages with the malware in them.  I have a crontab line that runs this 
one twice daily too.
Cut here:

# file: vscan; uses clamscan to scan system for malware
# needs .vscan directory in home directory for infected files.
# does not scan mail files.
clamscan -i --move=/home/jude/.vscan --no-mail -l /home/jude/vscan.log -r /
Cut here.

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