Pure Frustration!!!

Darragh lists at digitaldarragh.com
Fri Oct 7 17:19:19 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I'm writing out of pure frustration, despiration, anger and well, there's probably a bit of insanity in here somewhere as well. I have been working with Linux now full time for the past two months and its getting on my nerves. I'm writing this with the hope someone can show me the error of my ways. right, here are the problems that I'm having.

1. with software speech I can not play music while its loded. Some might think this is a minor thing but without music keeping me sane I'd be completely crazy! 

Oh on the topic of music, why will playwave only play one track at a time? any other good players out there? I have to dig out the ftp address for mpg123 and its dependancies as if memory serves, and at this stage it probably doesn't it was a good application to have installed.

I've downloaded a package called msmtp which seemed easy enough to configure but I get a child error 78 in mutt while sending mail. If it would help I could send my .msmtprc and .muttrc files at some stage.

In Mutt my messages are organized by thread. This might be a nice feature but I'm not use to it so at the moment I want them organized by date. I suppose this is just a case of looking up the man page for creating the muttrc file but I'm sick of man pages as I think that's all I've read this week!

Finally, I'm thinking of either changing to fedora or gen2. Unfortunately though I'll have to use SuSE 10 and 9.3 a lot as their the operating distribution versions that I'm working with but for my own use what are the benefits of changing to one of these distrobutions? 

Will changing to these make it easier to send and recieve Email, play music as well as use software speech and install new software?

Thanks and sorry if that sounded like a rant. I'm going for a drink!


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