X server

Kyrath. (AKA Rob) kyrath at cox.net
Sun Mar 27 22:26:54 EST 2005

Hi, I'm trying to configure my x server and apparently make it to the gnome desktop, but the system becomes completely unresponsive.
Below are the first 3 lines in my xorg log file:

_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/thorbardin:0
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6

Can anyone tell me exactly what these messages mean, or point me in the right direction to discover some answers?

PS. I read something to the effect that keyboard lock-up may occur if the system indicates a PS/mouse but one is not actually attached to the port.  However, the above messages don't seem to indicate, at least to me,  a mouse issue.

-- Rob

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