
Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Sun Jan 2 00:07:52 EST 2005

The volume control isn't part of mplayer. That's handled elsewhere. Use

W. Nick Dotson writes:
> I must've unintentionally done something terrible to "mplayer".  It was playing the "rms" speaches, and I could access "wuwf".  Now, although I hear hard drive 
> access, and the numbers for the "rms" speeches change, I get no audio.  The amplifier is OK, as is the cable, as I tested it with other devices...  (grin)  
> I read the "mplayer" manual.  Mostly it talked about all of the formats it could access, but I'll be darned if I heard anything about mute control, or a volume 
> control.  (grin)  So, how do I access something with commands so I can crank up the volume and make sure the sound card isn't muted?
> Nick (the embarrassed)
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				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
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