
Scott Howell n3byy at
Mon Sep 6 06:48:28 EDT 2004

I've been using a Linux box as a router and this has worked out very 
well. I have been giving some thought to a dedicated router mainly as 
this machine ages, at some point it will experience hardware failures 
and its getting difficult to find parts for it. Well not finding parts, 
but finding parts that are't used etc. and well it gets tiresome 
rebuilding aging boxes. In any case I had one of two plans. First was a 
router that was configured by a web interface. I know most have this, 
but require java script. Is there any router out there that can be 
configured using Lynx, Links, that Freedom Box solution, or uses some 
other interface so one could use ssh? If none of this is possible, what 
of a really slick little floppy-based firewall solution that would do as 
a router offering nat etc.
Any suggestions/comments appreciated. Ay if nothing else a router would 
be a little quieter...grin


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