Battle Of The Iethernet Cards

Allan Shaw technews at
Fri Oct 31 14:58:45 EST 2003

Hi Rejean,

Well my first suggestion based on other notes we've exchanged, would be to 
take a step back and truly look at what it is you want to do at the end of 
the day.
If you simply move forward at this point your just going to create a 
situation where the only way to fix the next problem will be to go back to 
the beginning and start from scratch.

However, lets see what we can do with your current configuration.

Are you or have you been using your Linux box as a gateway or Proxy Server?
If so you may have to uninstall these services or at least stop them.

Here is what I would do ...

1: Plug modem into up link port of router and put the second one in a box 
some where.
2: Be sure to assign your 2 servers static IP's if not already done.
3: Have router issue dynamic IP if possible to all other workstations 
excluding the above IP addresses using a single subnet.
4: configure router to direct various services such as (http, ftp, pop, 
smtp) to the appropriate server and IP address.
5: Make sure all services and features are all fully functional/operational 
before adding or configuring any new service.
6: KISS, make your life simple and avoid complication.

Now I'm not sure if any of the above will work with your environment but I 
know it can work and is how I've set things up on my home network.

Hope this helps.

At 11:49 10/31/03, you wrote:
>I have 2 Lan cards in my Linux machine.  each card is connected to a subnet
>that has a high speed modem.  Apache and Exim seems to share these 2 network
>cards.  I want to tell my machine that I only want Wan or external
>communications to go through one of the cards.  The other card is for local
>file sharing only, at least as far as Linux is concerned.  The other high
>speed modem is for the Windows machines.  How do I do this?  For now, I had
>to disconnect a card, so now I can't get at Linux using Samba with half my
>network.  I need to control the fact that although I have 2 modems, I only
>want Linux to use one of them.
>  Rejean Proulx
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