HELP!!! Can't compile speakup in Slackware kernel

Kirk Reiser kirk at
Fri Apr 11 11:21:50 EDT 2003

I and others have some fairly massive speakup updates coming in the
next week or so, so will not currently be including any of the
software synth stuff in the official speakup tree.  Once I have the
new rewrites in and settled will try to figure out how to include the
software synth modifications.  We have two sets of mods to consider
though, those of Owen and those of Mattio.  I may take what they've
done and rewrite it as well but for now I have not looked to carefully
at either one and so will reserve judgement on the best action plan.

I am grateful to both groups for their work to date though.



Kirk Reiser				The Computer Braille Facility
e-mail: kirk at		University of Western Ontario
phone: (519) 661-3061

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