Grub was Re: Installing Speakup separate from Linux.

Janina Sajka janina at
Mon Mar 4 13:52:46 EST 2002

Let me raise a somewhat more thorny issue here. This topic came up for us 
this morning because a newbie was asking for advice.

If, as I think we've just established, grub is less accessible than lilo, 
might I suggest that it is inappropriate to recommend the less accessible 
option to a newbie. And, if it is appropriate to recommend it, isn't it an 
ethical responsibility to advise about the accessibility concerns and the 
existence of a more accessible option? I believe this is the 
responsibility of those of us with a bit more knowledge and experience.

				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina at		Phone: (202) 408-8175

Chair, Accessibility SIG
Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)

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