Needs educating: Message from Linux (fwd)

Amanda Lee amanda at
Wed Jan 23 10:28:13 EST 2002

Nope, "Off Screen model approach" is not a crutch.  It does not
necessarily achieve the best Accessibility but it is utilized in JFW and
HAL.  I believe that Window-Eyes also makes a good attempt to address
controls and so forth which aren't MS standard.  I believe utilizing MSAA
whereever possible is obviously the best way but it doesn't always work.
 In Window-Eyes, one can toggle MSAA on and off and it is necessary to do
so in certain instances.

Long of the short obviously a hybrid approach to utilize whatever will get
the job done.

Amanda Lee

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Kirk Wood wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Charles Crawford wrote:
> >          Thanks.  I understand what you are saying.  Does this mean that
> > there would not be a fix for X-Windows like the MSAA in Windows?  Would we
> > need some kind of major off-screen model?
> Actually, I think the point is to put the hooks where they really
> belong. Understand there will be some advantages and some limitations. To
> start, you will have to use gnome. There are many other window managers,
> but you will have to use gnome. But if you do use gnome, there won't be a
> need for something like msaa.
> Msaa is a crutch for what should have been done. As for off scren models
> and the like, I don't personally know. I think that some of that was bable
> to impress people quite honestly.
> =======
> Kirk Wood
> Cpt.Kirk at
> Nowlan's Theory:
>         He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from
>         the next freeway exit.
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