Copying Audio CD's

Steve Holmes steve at
Sat Apr 20 02:12:56 EDT 2002

There has been recent comments on the copying of Audio CD's on this
list using cdrdao.  I have some problems I can't seem to clear up and
I get absolute no trafic on the cdrdao support list.  I get an idea
that product is not enjoying any further support.  Other than my two
queries to the list over the whole week, I received only one message.

Anyhow, I notice that when I copy an audio CD with 'cdrdao copy
--keep-image' that my songs all start at least two seconds late.  It
is as if the toc is off by two seconds.  I also get as many as a
thousand CRC errors while reading the contents.  It also can't tell if
it is Hex or BCD data and the two generic-mmc option flags don't do
any good either.  I am using a Creative RW-8438E model burner and this
is not listed in their driver base for cdrdao so I have been using the
generic-mmc driver.  I tried generic-mmc-raw in the recent past with
no better results.  I really think cdparanoia does a much better job
extracting audio but I can't get a useable table of contents that
would be compatible with cdrdao or cdrecord with the dao option.
Cdrdao shows promise but for my situation I don't feel I can use it
effectively for digital audio extraction and accurate copying of

Any ideas from either list?

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