Installation help

Angus MacKinnon dabneyadfm at
Sat Sep 29 17:04:55 EDT 2001

I have a 1.44MB floppy that is blank and has been formatted useing Windows.
I would like to create a Speakup bootable floppy. Can someone help me create
the bootable floppy so I can use my DECTalk Express on COM1 to install
Debian Linux on the D: of my hard disk? I downloaded
"debian-2.2r2-speakup.iso". Should I have this file on CD?I have a friend
that has offered the use of his internal CD burner. How would I send it to
this person if the "debian-2.2r2-speakup.iso" should be on a CD(s)?

Angus MacKinnon, Port Moody British Columbia Canada
MAILTO:dabneyadfm at

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