Redhat 7.1 Boot Disks Not Talking?

Pete De Vasto pdevasto at
Tue Apr 24 14:24:00 EDT 2001

Hi, everyone:

I've downloaded boot.img from the RedHat 7.1 directory in because I want to upgrade my system from RedHat 7.0 
to 7.1.  I currently have speakup running through a DoubleTalk LT 
synthesizer.  After creating the boot disk, when I reboot from diskette, I 
type "text" at the boot prompt, but the DoubleTalk will not speak.  If, on 
the other hand, I create a boot from ltlkb.bin from the 
FTP site, it DOES talk during the boot.   Am I missing something in terms 
of using the 7.1 boot disk?

Thanks, as always, for any help.
Pete De Vasto
Unix Systems  Administrator           Phone:  650-621-8582
Incyte Genomics, Inc.                      Fax:    650-621-7607
3174 Porter Drive                             Mobile: 650-274-8670
Palo Alto, CA  94304                       Email:  pdevasto at

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