Speakup Sans Synth?

Janina Sajka janina at afb.net
Sun Dec 10 15:31:39 EST 2000


Something I read in a recent posting from you has me thinking I should do
things differently. So, I'm writing to ask whether I understood you
correctly or not.

Here's the situation. Sometimes I need to boot my portable Linux system
without my hardware synth. The behavior I'm accustomed to from Speakup is
that Linux doesn't boot if the synth I've compiled in for Speakup isn't
present. So, to meet my occassional need for a synthless boot, I want to
gen a kernel without Speakup compiled in.

Did I understand you correctly at the new, CVS versioned Speakup ya'all
have been testing would still boot even if no synth were present? If this
is true, this would be very helpful indeed. If it is true, has anyone
noticed any performance hit from this?

Thanks in advance.

PS: Do I also understand correctly that the new version of Speakup will
make it possible for us to switch synths without rebooting?


				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

janina at afb.net
(202) 408-8175

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