Speech Dispatcher and Cepstral

Steve Holmes steve at holmesgrown.com
Thu Feb 1 06:58:27 EST 2007

Thanks for the additional suggestions.  Actually, I did the "Major hack"
as a tempererary measure while I figure things out.  Yes, the progocol
logging test reveals that speechd-up is setting the voice explicitly to
to "MALE1" so there's my answer:).  I think speechd-up is small enough
that I can get in there and possibly add another command line option
that would allow users to specify on the fly and if left blank, use
whatever speech-dispatcher is defaulting to.  This should be easy enough
a fix.  I'll have to figure out how to change the default in speechd-el
and perhaps modify that one too to not hard code any default.  Like you
say, let speech-dispatcher do the defaulting.

Thanks again for the tips and direction.

On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 07:56:23AM +0100, Tomas Cerha wrote:
> Steve Holmes wrote:
> > Oh, you mean these programs may be using SSML to specify the default
> > voice?
> Not really SSML, just regular Speech Dispatcher commands, but that
> should not matter, of course...
> To solve your problem right now, you have two options:
>   * configure both speechd-up and speechd-el to use FEMALE1 as the
>     default voice
>   * configure the cepstral module to use Callie as MALE1
> The later is a nasty hack, of course!
> The ideal solution would be to request an enhancement in both pieces of
> software to respect Speech Dispatchers default voice setting.
> Best regards, Tomas.
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