jenux distro

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Fri Apr 5 10:36:29 EDT 2019

It's an accessible distro latest iso is 03-05-2019 for x86 computers.
It has several problems depending on what you try to install.
Android current doesn't come up accessible.
On this iso android stable never finishes installing since it can't get
the blackarch-keyring.
The jenux install also fails since it doesn't create /boot/grub/grub.cfg
during installation.  The writer of the install script uses grub-install
rather than grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and that doesn't work.
My last thing with this iso will be to try android legacy.  The writer of
jenux install scripts also wrote the speel screen reader for android and
has many accessibility projects on his web site.  Is anyone else using
this distro on this list?


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