bleeps and does anyone use goto

Kirk Reiser kirk at
Tue Sep 13 11:47:23 EDT 2016

It has amazed me over the years how many different ways users find to
use speakup or any screen reader. Certainly many of the functions I
originally wrote are used differently than I intended when I first
wrote them. Many of the features other folks have included in speakup
over the years I have come to depend on as well such as the keyboard
active volume, pitch, and speed and windowing that Dave added. My
intension was never to mimic what other screen readers did other than
the keyboard review keys based on ASAP which I used at the time I
wrote speakup and therefore was comfortable with. Over the years there
have been features I thought would be useful to have for convenience
like on screen find and reading cursor routing to the end of the
current word which I've been tempted to add for years but never seem
to get around to.

I do use the goto function quite a bit and so would probably be sad to
see it go away but like I said everybody uses speakup differently. I
don't see the justification for removing it because placing the review
cursor at a specific point on the screen will be needed for on screen
find or active cursor routing so something else will need to be added
to replace goto's basic functioning. I wouldn't argue it may need to
be rewritten to make it more efficient but removing it doesn't make
any sense to me. I mean if one was to point out features that never
get used how many people even know the xnum facility exist or know how
to use it?

You can place a reading cursor at any point on the screen and 'park'
it there if you need quick access to any one spot. You can set up a
window to silence a portion of the screen which is to verbose that
you'd like to not hear constantly updating. Most of these features are
documented in the speakup users manual so regular users of speakup
should be aware of them. Certainly the are useful additions that can
be made but as with anything people that modify and enhance a program
typically make changes that meet their personal needs rather than the
general community.

There's my nickle-98's worth of opinion.


On Mon, 12 Sep 2016, Brian Buhrow wrote:

> 	hello.  I'm not so much of a speakup user, but every text based screen
> reader I've used, I'm currently writing on this with a machine running
> Yasr, has a review mode.  In review mode, the find function is invaluable
> in finding a specific area of the screen.  If you have a screen full of
> text, and you want to know on which line a specific string of text appears,
> the find function can save you a lot of time in that it saves you from
> having to read each line of the screen to find the thing you're looking
> for.
> 	Similarly, the go to function is very helpful if you know how an
> application formats a screen layout.  Then, if you want to read a specific
> line of text, you can jump directly to that line without having to arrow
> around from line to line.  My mail program, for example, begins the display
> of a message on the third line of my screen.  So, when I want to jump to
> the start of a message screen, I jump directly to the 3rd line of the
> screen, and skip having to read the status line and any other data above
> the specific lines I want.
> 	Honestly, I'm shocked that so many on this list think these functions
> are vestigial.  Perhaps I'm missing something that's special about Speakup
> and the need to use these functions, but I can't think of any configuration
> of a screen reader that would obviate the need for these two functions.
> Yes, lynx, vi, more, etc. have find functions, but they don't necessarily
> let you locate the specific region of the screen where the text you're
> looking for is located.  And how you can function efficiently without that
> knowledge, or the ability to get it after a couple of keystrokes, is, quite
> frankly, baffling to me.
> -Brian
> On Sep 12,  4:23pm, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> } Subject: Re: bleeps and does anyone use goto
> } Y2sgd3JvdGU6Cj4gRG9lcyBzcGVha3VwIHJlYWxseSBub3QgaGF2ZSBhbiBvbi1zY3JlZW4gZmlu
> } ZD8gVGhhdCB3b3VsZCBiZSBsb25nCj4gb3ZlcmR1ZSBJJ2Qgc2F5LgoKU3BlYWt1cCBkb2Vzbid0
> } IGhhdmUgYW4gb24tc2NyZWVuIGZpbmQgYmVjYXVzZSBpdCBpc24ndCBuZWNlc3NhcnkgaW4KbXkg
> } bm90IHNvIGh1bWJsZSBvcGluaW9uLiBTdWNoIGEgZmVhdHVyZSBhbHJlYWR5IGV4aXN0cyBpbiBs
> } eW54LAplbGlua3MsIHZpLCBlbWFjcywgbGVzcywgYW5kIHRoZXJlIGFyZSBhbG1vc3QgY2VydGFp
> } bmx5IG1vcmUgZnJvbSB0aGF0Cmxpc3QgdGhhdCBJIGNhbid0IHRoaW5rIG9mIG9mZiB0aGUgdG9w
> } IG9mIG15IGhlYWQuIFdoeSBkdXBsaWNhdGUgYQpmZWF0dXJlIGluIHNwZWFrdXAgd2hpY2ggYWxy
> } ZWFkeSBleGlzdHMgaW4gdmFyaW91cyBwYWNrYWdlcz8gQWxzbywgdGhlCmZpbmQgZmVhdHVyZSBp
> } biB0aG9zZSBwYWNrYWdlcyB3aWxsIGRvIGEgZmluZCBpbiB0aGUgY3VycmVudApwYWdlL2RvY3Vt
> } ZW50LCB3aGVyZWFzIGEgc3BlYWt1cCBmaW5kIGZlYXR1cmUgd291bGQgYmUgbGltaXRlZCBvbmx5
> } CnRvIHRoZSBjdXJyZW50IHNjcmVlbiBjb250ZW50cy4gSnVzdCBteSAkMC4wMS4gT2ggeWVzLCBJ
> } IGRvbid0IHVzZSBnby10byBlaXRoZXIuCgpHcmVnCgoKLS0gCndlYiBzaXRlOiBodHRwOi8vd3d3
> } LmdyZWduLm5ldApncGcgcHVibGljIGtleTogaHR0cDovL3d3dy5ncmVnbi5uZXQvcHVia2V5LmFz
> } Ywpza3lwZTogZ3JlZ24xCihhdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIHJlcXVpcmVkLCBhZGQgbWUgdG8geW91ciBj
> } b250YWN0cyBsaXN0IGZpcnN0KQpJZiB3ZSBoYXZlbid0IGJlZW4gaW4gdG91Y2ggYmVmb3JlLCBl
> } LW1haWwgbWUgYmVmb3JlIGFkZGluZyBtZSB0byB5b3VyIGNvbnRhY3RzLgoKLS0KRnJlZSBkb21h
> } aW5zOiBodHRwOi8vd3d3LmV1Lm9yZy8gb3IgbWFpbCBkbnMtbWFuYWdlckBFVS5vcmcKX19fX19f
> } X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18KU3BlYWt1cCBtYWlsaW5n
> } IGxpc3QKU3BlYWt1cEBsaW51eC1zcGVha3VwLm9yZwpodHRwOi8vbGludXgtc3BlYWt1cC5vcmcv
> } Y2dpLWJpbi9tYWlsbWFuL2xpc3RpbmZvL3NwZWFrdXAK
>> -- End of excerpt from Gregory Nowak
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Well that's it then, colour me secure!

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