Debian stretch - No speech after installation

Øyvind Lode oyvind.lode at
Sun Jan 31 13:31:12 EST 2016


On 31 January 2016 at 18:50, Jason White <jason at> wrote:
> Can you play audio files or streams via the sound card? Have you checked with
> amixer to see that the volume of the audio device is sufficient?
No, I cannot play anything.
No sound output.
I've tried all tricks I know of to get amixer to adjust volume.
I had sound during installation but not on the installed system.
I'm starting to believe that this is some sort of driver issue.
I also tried booting from usb to run natively but doing that did not
even get sound when the installer started.
I will try a different distro to check if I get sound then.
I tried booting the same image on a different system and I then got
sound also after installation.
So, installation media is fine.

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