Anybody still use YASR

Chris Brannon chris at
Wed Aug 24 08:58:14 EDT 2016

KatolaZ <katolaz at> writes:

> Thanks Jude,
> the problem is that emacspeak pulls in ways too much for a minimal
> live distro, except we stick to emacs-nox, which might be easy to
> include and just enough for the task. Would it make sense to try to
> include emacs-nox, emacspeak, and eflite in Devuan minimal live then?
> If yes, I will put it in the todo list :)

You know what?  The Emacspeak espeak server also works with yasr, and it
can be built independently of the rest of Emacspeak.  The only
dependencies it pulls are tcl, tclx, and espeak.  I think this is like 5
or 6 megs, not including espeak.
You're already pulling in espeak,, so tcl and tclx aren't such a big
deal, I think.
Problem is, the espeak server isn't packaged separately in Debian, even
though it can be built separately.
Anyway, Emacspeak itself is just fine with emacs-nox.

-- Chris

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