Teaching Speakup how to pronounce characters

Chris Brannon chris at the-brannons.com
Sun Apr 10 03:36:58 EDT 2016

Zachary Kline <zkline at speedpost.net> writes:

> Hi Chris et al,
> I hadn’t considered that the characters Unicode values would fall
> outside that range. The actual CP437 just uses different mappings for
> 0 to 255.

Hi Zack,
The characters in CP-437 with the high-bit set do map to unicode
characters, but many of those Unicode characters are well outside of the
range [0, 255].
And I don't know much about how exactly the kernel deals with Unicode
internally.  I.E., what Speakup sees in screen memory.
I don't think there's any kind of pass-through option that will work

-- Chris

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