Introduction of my project

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe mengualjeanphi at
Mon Nov 2 20:19:29 EST 2015


I've been working with free software for 2004, and I'm sure now of 2 
things: it's The solution to get an accessible computer in long-term, 
but its diversity results on a need of fulltime work on the matter. I 
love the work on distros such as Sonar or Vinux, about which I'm writing 
a manual to learn computing (very long as I've few time). I think now an 
accessible system should go still further, using "universal" purpose. 
But universal, it means a flexible desktop, for various visual issues, etc.

For all these reasons I try now so pay for devs to work on GNU/Linux 
a11y, in particular Compiz, Orca and MATE. To know the values of this 
project and our model, see:

For next month, we will release a full list of features we found in 
Jaws, NVDA, ZoomText and SuperNova and not present in Orca and Linux, so 
that users could tell us whet should be prioritary to be developped. On 
this basis, we'll submit patches to add features, including technical 
discussions with you about the good approach (what is for Orca, for 
at-spi, for the application, etc). Now we've the basic platform, we can 
start developping improvements and submitting them.



Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

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