Announcing 32-bit test live CD

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Fri Dec 25 23:02:21 EST 2015

I wonder if the hardware screen reader patch also broke the ability to 
find braille displays too? On Sun, 13 Dec 2015, Tony Baechler wrote:

> Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 05:07:53
> From: Tony Baechler <tony at>
> Reply-To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
>     <speakup at>
> To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux. <speakup at>
> Subject: Re: Announcing 32-bit test live CD
> Thanks for testing.  I don't know why things aren't working for you.  The 
> module is definitely there.  The only thing I can think of is try this:
> service brltty stop
> Then try running your brltty command.  It's supposed to detect USB displays 
> automatically, but I turned off serial detection to avoid locking up speech 
> synths.  Specifically, Talking Arch locked up my DECtalk Express.  Maybe the 
> better option would be to not start brltty at boot.  Just for curiosity, 
> when you have speech, what's the output of this?
> modinfo speakup_dtlk
> If that command doesn't find it, there is definitely something strange going 
> on.  It's the standard Ubuntu kernel.
> On 12/12/2015 9:22 PM, Tom Fowle wrote:
>> tony,
>> second try at this image: my file date for the livetest32.iso is dec 4 
> 18:37
>> Hope that indicates this is the latest upload.
>> Came up at prompt with speakup running.
>> Brltty -d al
>> for the alva ran the program but didn't find the display.
>> The sequence to remove espeakup etc and boot speakup_dtlk did the same as
>> before,
>> speakup_dtlk,not found.
>> Sorry, I understand it's not possible for you to test systems you don't
>> have.
>> Is there anything usefull I could do with the livetest32 running espeak?
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