Kali Linux

Doug Smith savant-technopath at cyber-wizard.com
Wed Apr 29 07:46:27 EDT 2015

It is really simple to get speech up and running when the system is 
installed.  You are right.  There is no speech in the console by 
default, but you can fix it by doing this:

1. In the graphical environment, press alt f2 and when you are prompted 
for a command, enter leafpad /etc/modules

2. At the very bottom of the list, which I believe only contains two or 
three entries, write: speakup_soft and press return.

3.  This is with an underline between speakup and soft.  Then reboot.

4. You will hear speakup coming up with some kind of fail fail message 
and then it will start reading the bootup messages.  You will have to 
stop it with the speakup stop key or the orca on there will not come up 

5. When you have all this done, open a terminal and do this:

chmod a=rw- /etc/init.d/gdm  This will keep the graphical environment 
from coming up unless you want it to.  You have to be connected before 
you do this because you have to install a package or two afterward.

6. Now, with the system talking in the console, you need to do an

apt-get install speakup-tools

so that you will have the speakupconf program available to save your 
speakup settings.  Then apt-get install xorg-xinit, I think it is and 
then make a .xinitrc file with only one line in it and that is:

exec gnome-session

and then you can use startx to go into gnome on your kali linux.

I hope I have all those files right.  I hope I have all those package 
names right.  If not, and you have problems, feel free to contact me off 
list and I will help you.

Hope this helps.

Doug Smith: Special Agent
S.W.A.T  Spiritual Warfare and Advanced Technology
Forever serving our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.

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