speakup, audio solutions

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Sat Nov 30 19:52:16 EST 2013

Pulseaudio doesn't work for me because I rely on Speakup pretty
thoroughly. I have several issues with it including very choppy speech
and stupid behavior over audio stopping play when I move out of the tty
where I invoked the audio.

I am about to go file an RFE with pulse to ask for an easy way to
configure pulse to leave any particular audio device alone. I know one
can terminate pulse on a per app basis, but that's too cumbersome, imo.
And, I think there should be something easier than writing a custom udev
rule to accomplish excluding some particular audio device from pulse.


Alonzo cuellar writes:
> Hello,
> This is just a question I have. For those using systems like fefora,
> debian, ubuntu, etc? How do you use speakup?
> I know pulse audio has problems with system-wide audio. So what are people
> doing these days? I can see maybe taking a seperate audio device, but is
> there other work arounds?
> This protains to those who use pulseaudio on their systems. It wa just
> something to ask the list since I'm sure many people face different
> situations with their setups.
> Alonzo
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Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200
			sip:janina at asterisk.rednote.net
		Email:	janina at rednote.net

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