
Keith Hinton keithint1234 at gmail.com
Tue May 3 11:22:29 EDT 2011

On 5/3/11, William Hubbs <w.d.hubbs at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 05:37:30PM -0400, Bill Cox wrote:
>> William Hubbs is thinking of taking over development of speechd-up.
>> There's a hacked version in Vinux that works pretty well, though
>> ospeakup was the latest and greatest, up until OpenTTS merged back
>> into speech-dispatcher.
> My version of speechd-up at git://github.com/williamh/speechd-up.git has
> all of the changes from ospeakup in it as far as I know.
> What other changes do you have in vinux? Can you pull my code and let me
> know what is different from what you have?
>> William, are you still interested in taking speechd-up forward?  I can
>> ask around to see if there are any other volunteers if like.
> Yes, I am still interested. I've just been doing a big project for
> gentoo lately.
> William
William, just curious but what project are you working on?
Also, is what I said true to the primary poster who began this thread
on Speakup, with respect to that if anything crazy is happening with
Espeakup it will probably happen on any distribution, though I could
be wrong, and that if anyone could help figure out what is goingg on
as the user expalined with Espekup was doing, that you'd be the best
to figure that out?
I believe that still holds true.
>From what the poster said, way up when the thread first started, he
said it was with Speakup in the kernels as of 2.6.37 I think, and that
Espeakup is doing wierd stuff, and that Speakup in general is doing
odd stuff with software speech every few words or something odd now.
Perhaps if you had an SMP machine you could reproduce this?
Failing a physical machine, maybe Linux in general has some Vm
software that can emulate SMP stuff and so on to permit reproducing of
strange espeakup behavior?
Just a thought.
I am interested in the results, so am responding publicly, but in
general I'm taking a major break from Linux itself as far as the
accessibility issues that have been around for years..
That being said though, I still have public interest in projects like
the Speakup project, and so on.
I'm simply taking a  break from using Linux for the time being other
than as a server.
I find myself back on some other systems for the time being, so that's that.
I'm okay with it, because I can at best fire up a VM if I wish to be
involved in Linux itself again.

Regards, --Keith
Website: http://www.keithnet.us
Skype: skypedude1234
MSN Messenger: keithint37 at hotmail.com
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Facebook: http://facebook.com/keith.hinton1

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