espeakup-amd64 frustration

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Sun Nov 28 15:55:19 EST 2010

The version of that file I have I hope is well out of date.  I can't 
install debian squeeze on my equipment here since it won't detect a 400GB 
hide hard drive either in a drive sled or attached to a u.s.b. port.  The 
cmos was set up to allow floppy drives to work on usb ports but there was 
no such provision for hard drives.  The A.M.D. machine I have was hot 
about 13 years ago and will be replaced in 2011 if all goes as planned 
with more modern equipment.  If I can find the intel version of the 
espeakup.iso file I'll probably be able to put this on another machine and 
get it working if it's had a version update since when last I downloaded 

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