Orca Terminal vs. Speakup [Was Main advantages of SBL over Speakup]

Raul A. Gallegos raul at asmodean.net
Mon Feb 15 14:57:28 EST 2010

I'm coming in late on this thre3ad and I confess I have not read all the 
messages, but what about using screen? With it, you can get many screens 
under the same terminal and switch between them and not only that, you 
can leave your various screens open, detach them, and reattach them if 
you remote in via ssh from elsewhere. To me this seems like a good solution.

Again, I have not read the entire thread, but this is what I do, so this 
is what I offer.

Raul A. Gallegos
Home page: http://www.RaulGallegos.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ragallegos

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