serial synth with kernel

Steve Holmes steve at
Fri Aug 20 05:55:10 EDT 2010

OK, I tried again with my kernel on ArchLinux but as
expected, no go <sigh>.

However, This time, I captured some noise from dmesg, thinking that
might show some more hints to who so ever may have a greater knollege
of kernel internals.  I loaded speakup_spkout with the start=0 option
and the load was successful with a return code of 0; but when I used
talkwith to specify spkout as the synth, I got the following messages
in the dmesg listing.

releasing synth soft
unregistered /dev/softsynth
synth probe
Ports not available, trying to steal them
Trying to free nonexistent resource <00000000000003f8-00000000000003ff>
Speakout: not found
spkout: device probe failed
failed to init synth spkout

After that, I went and reloaded softsynth and that part was fine
again.  I can still echo messages to /dev/ttyS0 and speakout talks
that stuff with no problem so the port is actually working and all

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