Punctuation for espeak synthesizer

Chris Brannon cmbrannon79 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 11:53:24 EDT 2010

Bill Cox wrote:
> What I want to happen when using ospeakup is for SpeakKey+F9/F10 and
> SpeakKey+F11/F12 to change espeak's punctuation level, rather than
> speakup's levels.
> Can this be done without editing speakup's source code?

Hi Bill,
Forget what I said in my last message.  The punctuation characters aren't
modified in chartab, so punc_most, punc_all, and punc_some are fine.
They don't need to be reinitialized.

It won't be possible to fix the punctuation problems without editing
the Speakup source code.  I can do that, and I'll explain my proposed fix.

The softsynth module has a "direct" setting.  If it is set to 1, then
Speakup just passes text straight through to the synthesizer, without
trying to interpret punctuation and the like.
It is perfect for this situation.
If direct mode is enabled, then the punctuation keys could change
the synthesizer's punctuation setting, as you describe.
I think this could work.

-- Chris

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