How to use espeakup, revisited...

John G. Heim jheim at
Tue Sep 22 11:01:14 EDT 2009

From: "Gaijin" <gaijin at>
> It's starting to look like a Douglas Adams novel here, with the
> Notice of Construction posted behind the boiler, in the 3rd basement
> over from the left, behind the door marked "Employees Only."  In other
> words, just as long as any useful information isn't posted "*here*."

People tend to react negatively when you criticize them while they're 
already trying to do something to help you. My opinion is that you need to 
learn the difference between offering suggestions and offering criticism.  A 
suggestion implies that you're leaving it up to the recipient of your 
suggestion to decide whether to take you up on your idea. Criticism has no 
such implication.

A suggestion is something like, "Maybe it would be better if we did 
something else." A criticism is something like, "You're doing that wrong."

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