Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting

Hermann meinelisten at
Sun Sep 6 05:22:57 EDT 2009

On 05.09.2009 at 22:48:40 William Hubbs <w.d.hubbs at> wrote:

> Hi Hermann,
> On Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 11:05:46AM +0200, Hermann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the subject says it: When I shut down/reboot my machine, Espeakup
>> sometimes writes core files in the root directory /.
>> Since they are very large, more then 60 MB and near 600 KB after
>> bzipping, I want to know what to do with them?
>> Send one to the list? Are attachments allowed, and if so, can they be
>> that big?
>> "file /core*"
>> responds as follows:
>> /core.11221: ELF 32-bit LSB core file Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
>> SVR4-style, from 'espeakup -V de'
>> Any hints?
>> Hermann
> I need to know which version of espeakup you are using
The latest from git.

> Also, a core file alone doesn't give me any information.  It is
> basically a memory image of what was going on when the  program crashed.
OK, I've recompiled Espeakup the way you described it.
There was a new version in the Git repo this morning.

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