looking for: ssh hosting

Tyler Littlefield tyler at tysdomain.com
Tue Mar 10 11:42:29 EDT 2009

They offer compilers.
Here are my thoughts on them:

They offer great support--if you mark your ticket below the highest one, 
you'll get a response back within 30 minutes to an hour, and they do what 
they can to help.
They offer tons of space, though that's not really needed, as they don't 
allow you to use the site for "personal storage."
They offer ssh, though  haven't figured out what bash they're using--it only 
shows machine name, not the actual path like every other ssh I've been on.
They have ocasional downtimes.
Their panel is custom crafted, and is not c-panel--they don't have an API or 
a way to use CPanel, so that's out of the question, if you wanted to resell.

Tyler Littlefield
Web: tysdomain.com
email: tyler at tysdomain.com
My programs don't have bugs, they're called randomly added features.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex Snow" <alex_snow at gmx.net>
To: "Speakup is a screen review system for Linux." <speakup at braille.uwo.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: looking for: ssh hosting

> Dreamhost does offer ssh access but they might not offer a full line of 
> software such
> as compilers and other dev tools.  My experience with web hosts (I haven't 
> used
> dreamhost though) is that even though they offer ssh, it's usually only 
> good for file
> management.
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 02:20:40AM -0800, Tony Baechler wrote:
>> Refering to dreamhost, hat's very interesting because their site says
>> that they have unlimited disk space and bandwidth and do allow ssh
>> connections.  I was seriously considering going with them for those
>> reasons.  Right now I have unlimited disk and bandwidth but no ssh.
>> They also offer VPS.  Another VPS that has been recommended is
>> http://ultrahost.us/  I would like to know why you're saying that
>> dreamhost doesn't offer ssh when their site says they do.  I believe
>> you, I haven't used them before so I don't know.
>> Tyler Littlefield wrote:
>> >hello,
>> >I'll check freeshell.
>> >Just for the record, dreamhost offers lots of good services, but they
>> >don't allow you to open ports until you pay for their dedicated
>> >servers, which are not really worth paying for.
>> >I have an account for my website, they tend to monitor storage, too.
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