speakup using different synths with software speech?

Kerry Hoath kerry at gotss.net
Fri Jun 5 10:40:43 EDT 2009

lots of message trimmed.
Your dectalk express will work with orca if you set it up with an emacspeak 
speech server and perhaps this will be what you want.

No idea if audacity is accessible under orca, and yes Windows is still 
better for editing audio.
We like what we like and come up with reasons for it afterwoods.
I still like my artic transports and i'm sure I can get them going under 
orca if I so choose.

Problem is Jaws and windows does what _I_ want for the time beeing and I 
just haven't got around to setting up the eeebox with orca.

I do use speakup and espeak, yet to learn how to use ecasound though looks 
Regards, Kerry.

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