New Debian unstable strangeness...

Gaijin gaijin at
Sat Aug 22 22:51:19 EDT 2009

	Well, I dunno what to say about v3.12, except that I hope that 
3.13 is released soon in Debian unstable.  The longer I use the system, 
the worse SpeakUp acts, beginning with continuing to speak when hitting 
a key to silence things, to what is probably a Debian problem with the 
'more' pager or something, because I'll be trying to cut and paste , and 
SpeakUP cuts and pastes something entirely different.  Since it's been 
happening from day one, I assume it's just more's way of saying that it 
doesn't like being used with multiple virtual terminals.

	There's also strange pauses while typing, and three or four keys 
will be silent when typing a sentence, or similar pauses when reading 
the screen.

	Otherwise, I love that it has stopped crashing on long displays 
of text, like when logging into an IRC server like Freenode, and being 
able to reload preferred settings with speakupconf.  Still haven't 
figured out why it won't run from /etc/rc.local though, as putting 'id 
-u' in rc.local says it's running as root, or id=0.  Must be another 
Debian quirk to get around.


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