speakup on gentoo (was Patching the Gentoo 2.6.24 kernel)

Georgina gena at mga.demon.co.uk
Sun Mar 30 08:53:34 EDT 2008


Here's what I did:

Download kernel in my home /home/gena/
Untarred it, tar -xzf linux-
Get speakup, git clone http://linux-speakup.org/speakup.git
 Moved into kernel tree, cd linux-
Then prepaired kernel, make mrproper
Moved toa root console, or you could use sudo.
As root make the symlink, ln -s /home/gena/linux- /usr/src/linux
 Back to my account, cd speakup
Now patch kernel source, ./install
Then returned to kernel tree, cd ../linux-
Then run, make menuconfig

All went well!


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