debian gnome sometimes runs in fail safe mode

Daniel Dalton d.dalton at
Tue Mar 4 02:32:27 EST 2008

On Mon, 3 Mar 2008, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> The other times it doesn't run at all.  I'm pretty sure I know why too,
> gdm.conf is not populated and running dpkg-reconfigure gdm only schedules
> a restart of gdm.  I'm cleaning gnome off of this system and don't expect

Ok so why not just use startx with out gdm?
I do this on debian leny and everything is fine.
How about running the following after removing gnome:

-Upgrade to lenny in the usual way
-Edit sources.list and then run
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
-Once complete do;
tasksel install desktop
Then do;
apt-get remove gdm
Just say yes and see what actually happens.
Then its just
apt-get install gnome-orca
Or you could builed it from source.

Daniel Dalton
d.dalton at

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