linux on a windows box

alex wallis alexwallis646 at
Sun Mar 2 16:13:53 EST 2008

Hi list.
I'm very new to linux, in fact i'm really only used to windows.
However I have a question I was hoping someone might be able to help me 
At the moment i'm using a laptop with 512 mb of ram, and a 1.80 ghz 
processor, running windows xp home.
I'm wanting to get set up with a linux OS, but I don't really want to go 
down the route of jewel boot, and I don't have enough resources to run linux 
under vmware.
As I understand it it is very tricky to get a screen reader working in a 
vmware environment anyway.
The option i'd like to use I found out about recently is something called 
available from
I was wondering has anyone had experience with using this, and getting linux 
setup using it and obviously running a screen reader?
I tried asking on the colinux mailing list but Nobody seemed to no anything 
so thought i'd come to you guys.
Thanks for your help.

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