Debian ist kaput, revisited...

Georgina Joyce gena at
Tue Jul 22 16:36:26 EDT 2008

> I guess I'll
> try this kernel out for awhile and see what happens. 

I found the same here too.  You might also find that if you alt + left
arrow, to switch consoles.  The system freezes.  Here's what I did:

Boot machine (debian unstable updated 21 July 2008.).
Installed kernel image for AMD64 and speakup modules.
Entered into menu.lst and rebooted.
Logged in as root.
modprobe speakup_ltlk.
Found that the echo commands were giving errors.
Pressing left arrow locked the machine.
Rebooted machine and after loading speakup the same result with left
arrow to ttyS11, for a second time.

I use the UK key map.

> Gena


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