getting started with speakup out of git

Daniel Dalton d.dalton at
Wed Jul 9 04:11:49 EDT 2008

Hi Samuel 

On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 02:41:01AM +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:

> > - Using speechd-up (soft synth) I get crashes every 5 minutes or so.
> Is that a whole box crash or just a speechd-up crash?

Ok, on my .23 kernel, with the same speechd-up, I can use mutt fine, no

So either:
- speakup out of git is buggy
- Or the new kernel does something different.

Do you run debian?
If so would it be worth you trying my kernel deb file and seeing if you
have the same errors?
I could also send along .config and maybe I made a mistake somewhere?

One thing I wasn't sure about: should speakup core be built in the
kernel or as a module? I said built-in...


Daniel Dalton
<d.dalton at>

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