Speech-Dispatcher and SMP question

Lukas Loehrer listaddr1 at gmx.net
Sat Feb 16 12:17:13 EST 2008

Keith Hinton writes ("Speech-Dispatcher and SMP question"):
> How well does Speech-Dispatcher currently work on SMP systems, using the 
> native ESpeak module v.s a Generic module?

I tried to make the native espeak module thread-safe when developing
it. However, I have never had an SMP system to test it and their can
always be bugs of course, especially when dealing with concurrency.

> But FLite is too slow to respond to keyboared stuff for me. ESPeak should be 
> much better.

flite is very fast. I guess the problem in speech-dispatcher is that
there is some silence produced by flite at the beginning and end of
each utterence. I once made a patch for this but never checked it into
speech-dispatcher cvs. I will try to do so next week.

> Another question: does the native module allow multiple sounds to go through 
> the soundcard?

The native espeak module can use alsa for sound output. Thus, if the other
programs are using alsa as well, they should be able to use the
soundcard simultaniously.

Best regards, Lukas

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